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遍地内幕: 戴尔竞价事件回放, 那些不为人知的事情(3)

2013-06-15 07:10来源:来去留发布者:laiquliu 查看:

Go-Shop: Evercore Partners contacted 67 different parties during the go-shop, with 10 entering the process. We've already detailed the end results, but a few interesting tidbits (1) Insight Venture Partners, working with Blackstone, has never held discussions with members of Dell management. (2) As Fortune previously reported, Blackstone threatened to walk away unless Dell agreed to reimburse its out-of-pocket expenses. (3) TPG Capital conducted two weeks of due diligence during the original process, opting not to submit a bid. But it did reappear during the "go-shop," working with Blackstone. Unclear why it wasn't part of the final Blackstone bid, but that sure makes it harder for Blackstone to do this deal without Michael Dell's shares. (4) Still unclear why the special committee thinks Carl Icahn's proposal could result in a superior bid, when it is premised on a dividend recap that the special committee already examined and determined would pose too many long-term risks.

询价:在询价阶段,Evercore Partners共接触过67家客户,其中10家最终参与了竞价。我们已对最终结果做了详细报道,但还有一些花边新闻值得关注:(1)与黑石合作的Insight Venture Partners从未和戴尔的管理层展开过会谈。(2)《财富》杂志(Fortune)报道过,黑石曾威胁称,除非戴尔同意补偿现款支付的费用,否则就退出竞价。(3)德州太平洋投资集团(TPG Capital)一开始做过为期两周的尽职调查,但最后选择不出价。但在“询价”阶段它又现身了,和黑石展开了合作。现在还不清楚为何黑石最终出价中不包括它,但这肯定让黑石在没有迈克尔?戴尔股份的情况下更难达成这笔交易了。(4)还不清楚为何特别委员会认为卡尔?伊坎的方案可能会带来最佳出价,它是建立在债务红利上的,对此特别委员会已做过详细审查,同时认为它会带来过多的长期风险。

Strip sale talks: During negotiations with Silver Lake, Dell received a call from an undisclosed strategic party, expressing interest in purchasing Dell Financial Services at book value ($3.5b-$4b). Boston Consulting Group examined the proposal, but determined it would not create sufficient value for Dell. Worth noting that another strategic party -- believed to be General Electric (GE) -- signed a joiner to Blackstone's non-disclosure agreement, in order to conduct due diligence on DFS. This suggests Blackstone would sell DFS to GE -- a likely point of contention with Michael Dell (yet another reason why Blackstone is unlikely to bid).

抛售谈判:在与银湖展开谈判过程中,戴尔公司接到过一个不明身份的战略投资方的电话,表示有意按照账面价值(35亿-40亿美元)收购戴尔的金融服务业务。波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)在审查过该提案后认为它无法为戴尔带来足够的价值。值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方——据信是通用电气(General Electric)——也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。这意味着黑石有意把戴尔金融卖给通用电气——这可能是与迈克尔?戴尔起争执的另一个要点(也是另一个为何黑石不太会出价的原因)。





